Route: The Padocul park route (located 4 km from Cerna) – Arsu Valley – Șaua Mare Peak, Arheuziu Peak – Archizel Peak – Lifante Peak – Pietrele albe Peak – Mangina Peak – Puturoasa Valley – Padoc.
Length: 13 km
Difficulty: Medium
Period: All year round
For those who love horse riding, the PNMM Administration has horses and the necessary equipment to practice this sport.
On this route, the tourist, leaving on horseback from the PNMM Paddock, completes a circuit of 13 km with gentle ascents and descents, crossing the peaks on the southern side of the park, which offer us landscapes with steppe meadows and rocky outcrops, which ensure wide panoramas over the Depression Cernei and on the other southern peaks of the Macin Mountains.
In addition to the unique superb landscape, tourists have the opportunity to observe along the route species such as: Dobrogean bluebell, Garofita pitica, Deditel; Endemic butterflies (Poliancherrug, Chersotis laete macini and Chersotis fibriola niculescui); Reptiles: Dobrogean Tortoise, Dobrogean Guster, Leaf Lizard, Steppe Lizard; Birds protected at the international level – Great Sorrel, Pietrarul; Mammals: Carpathian deer, stone marten, tree marten, golden jackal.
Tourists are accompanied by a specialized guide, and protective equipment is included in the price for equestrian tourism.
Ranger (Contact Person): Berca Marian
Phone: 0746760196